BIG Machines at COSI

Last year, we tried COSI's Big Machines, but Rhys was a little young to be that excited. This year, my 2 year old digger man LOVED it, and I am always so impressed at the awesomeness of this exhibit. And because it is outside, you don't need to pay COSI admission to experience it!  You certainly can go inside afterwards, but you could also just experience the diggers and the riverfront for free. Park at the meters across from COSI and you've got a very inexpensive day for your little construction workers.

It is hard to see just how many machines there are, but there are plenty to keep you busy.

We arrived at 10 AM on a Monday and only waited behind 1 person on each digger. I would definitely suggest, as I always do, to arrive right at opening for the easiest experience.

There are at least a dozen machines that the kids can actually climb into (most with stairs, some you'll have to lift). They can push buttons, honk horns, all that good stuff without danger. Little ones will need your help walking up into them, and the first one is always a little scary (in our experience). Some of the machines can be operated (like the mini excavators) with an adult's help, and the crane operator moves the crane around.  But nothing is going to actually drive around, in case that worries your kids.

**This is where I disclaim that my daughter, who hates loud noises, does not like this exhibit and went inside with my wing woman Mara. It is loud and busy, but so much fun**

Look at this interest!  I loved taking him somewhere he actually liked. You can tell it is extremely hot outside, but the kids loved the shaded misting tent on this brutal day. 

Watch out!

It's fun to wait your turn when you can do THIS. 

I loved the signs, because I actually don't know most of the names!  This post is hilarious in explaining the names of each to boy moms like us. 

That staffer is holding a loop that bigger kids can actually grab onto and the crane operator lifts them up. Maybe in a few years, buddy.

He was in awe of the moving crane. He actually sat down to watch right after I took this photo. I just loved seeing him in his element and can't wait to take him back! Better hurry, Big Machines is only open through June 26th.


Nana said…
I can just hear his yelling "Oh wow" at all this. A dream come true for our boy!!!