Mama Monday: Battle won

Oh, you know how I reference those weekly emails and baby books I have to see what milestones Larkyn should be reaching (give or take a month, I'm not too caught up). Well, there was ONE that we just did not see eye to eye on: feeding ourselves. I tried so many "delicious" varieties of small crackers, pieces of cheese, ripe fruit, puffs, and Cheerios. Oh, sure she thought they were great. But ONLY if I picked them up and let her bite off a piece. This is fine for a while, but I could tell that it was becoming a helpless habit.

Anyway, after a few weeks of tears (hers) and frustration (both of ours), I appealed to the higher powers of our sitter and my mama friend. The verdict: put the food on the tray and walk away. So, I put down 4 organic teddy grahams and started cleaning the kitchen. It got very quiet. I peeked around the corner and there she was, picking up the cookie, examining it, and then taking a bite. Herself. Within a few minutes, she had finished all 4. I had to document, didn't I?

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Schneider 4.0 said…
Love the new blog design!!!! Forgot to tell you! And kids are so finicky....this is what I believe to be one of the first acts of rebellion. :) It all starts with the teddy grahams. :)