Katalina for kids

When I was expecting Larkyn in 2011, my friend Julie and I did brunch a lot. One of my favorite cravings was at Katalina, and I hadn't had the chance to ever take the kids there. On the first morning of Comfest, we met our friends Mara and Maggie there for a Columbus "must".

Situated on the corner of Pennsylvania and West 3rd Ave, it can easily be accessed by taking 315 to Olentangy River Road to 3rd. If you are lucky, there is a teeny parking lot adjacent to the restaurant, otherwise you can turn right onto Pennsylvania and find on-street parking. There is also a lot nearby that you must pay to use.

The patio is where it's at! The big picnic tables, fun street views and colorful umbrellas keep the kids engaged while waiting for food. The chalk markers are genius for a little temporary graffiti as well.

There is seating inside and there is one high chair available. If you have a portable high chair, maybe stow that away in case some other lucky baby has the coveted high chair. There is fun merchandise, artwork and decor, making Katalina's former gas station exterior all the more eclectic.

Inside, you'll order at the counter. Check out the menu before you leave home so that you can prepare yourself for the innovative choices. We don't even have to prepare for ours, though. Pancake balls and bacon for life.

Pancake balls. The "real" name for them is ebelskivers, and after watching a Food Network show about street vendors serving them, I immediately went and bought an ebelskiver pan that has been used exactly two times. They are not difficult to make, and you can fill them with anything really!  At Katalina, they can be filled with strawberry preserves, apple butter, or Nutella. I'll give you a moment to guess what we got.

The perfect pairing for Nutella-filled pancakes is obviously bacon, and we chose the unspicy kind. The kids got a big helping of scrambled eggs (actually Larkyn wasn't "hungry" and then stole Maggie's) and milk was served all around.

We didn't have to wait long on our food at all, and the kids were kept busy by watching friendly city birds, people trying to parallel park, and playing with the chalk markers.

The menu is much more diverse (lots of latin influence) than just pancake balls, and because I have the palate of a 5 year old, I probably won't stray from those. But the Southern Fried Salata, Pulled Pork Tacos, and Southern Brown Betty Biscuit Balls all sounds amazing. Who's up for brunch?

The details:
1105 Pennsylvania Ave.
Columbus, OH 43201
Open 7 days a week, 8-4
