Rhys' Birth Story

I can't believe he is here. In a way, it feels like I was pregnant forever. I don't mean that in a negative way, just that I got used to that way of life and now everything is foreign in this land of non-pregnancy. Kristy and I talked about this (since our boys are 10 days apart). We are simultaneously thankful that they are here on Earth and we finally get to meet them, but a tiny part of us already misses the comfort of them in our bellies. Maybe we are weird.

Anyway, my snugglebug is here and I wanted to record everything I can remember from his entrance into the world.

On Monday (3/17), Matt and I started the day by taking Larkyn out for doughnuts (her favorite activity in the world). It was a freezing cold day! We spent the rest of the day cleaning the house (both of us got in on the nesting action) and relaxing to prepare for the long night ahead.
totally out of focus because I used the timer. But you get the gist.
My mom picked up Larkyn after her nap, and without her around, I suddenly became a little nervous and stir crazy. I felt some panic and uncertainty about the induction for sure. With our bags packed and a million well-wishing texts from friends and family, we left the house early and went out to dinner. I was craving some light pasta, so we went to Piada and ran a few errands before getting to Riverside Methodist Hospital to check in at 6:30 PM.

Luckily, they accepted us early and we headed to Room 17, our labor and delivery suite for the night. I remember everyone who came into the room apologizing because it was the "weird" room. It is smaller than the rest and set up backwards. The hospital is under construction and 3/17 was a VERY busy night at the hospital, so we drew the short straw I guess!  I didn't care. It was clean, updated, and where my son would be born...so it was perfect.

Our nurse Nikki began her shift at 7:00 PM, so were excited that she would be with us for the birth. She and I quickly became BFFs, discussing the missing Malaysian Flight 370, The Voice, and sassy toddler girls.

We started the Pitocin drip at 7:45 PM. I was dilated to 3 cm, which was where I was the week before, even after contracting for 2 weeks. I was a little disappointed to hear that, but it was better than coming in at 0 and having to take measures to even dilate at all (which I have heard from friends is horrendous). Matt settled in with his laptop stocked with Seinfeld episodes and I began texting friends to update them. We were very comfortable for the next several hours, monitoring my contractions and easing the pain with Nubane.

Every hour, Nikki would come in and explain where we were in the process. Every hour, the news stayed the same. My contractions were not strong enough and I was not dilating. I stayed at a 3 until 2:45 AM, when they decided to give me the epidural in preparation to break my water and get things moving.

My nurse anesthetist was hysterical. Talk about sassy!  She had all kinds of theories about the missing airplane and had no problem telling me to shape up and relax, otherwise the epidural wouldn't work. I had no choice but to stay still...she demanded it. I will fully admit that with both my children, the epidural has been the scariest part for me. Something about the vulnerability of my SPINE in someone's hands with a needle. Anyway, I jumped a few times and got some stinging in my back muscles, but she did an awesome job.

At 3:00 AM, they broke my water and we were anticipating having a baby soon after. But, every hour once again, Nikki had the same news to share. I was at 3-4 centimeters and my contractions were actually getting weaker.

At 7:00 AM, Nikki's shift was over. That was when my cheerful attitude changed a bit and I started getting worried and upset. I was sad that she wouldn't be there, nervous that I might need a C-Section, and of course, just getting tired of the whole situation. And honestly, I was starting to regret that we elected to do an induction.

But then our good luck charm walked in the door. Nikki brought in the nurse who would be replacing her, and as soon as I saw her, I about burst into tears. It was the same nurse who delivered Larkyn 3 years ago! Out of all the nights and all the nurses, I couldn't believe it. Bree got caught up on the situation and got started trying to figure out what the hold up was. First up, my favorite thing, another cervix check.

During the check, she eventually felt that baby's head was not face down, but turned to the side. That was not enough pressure to make strong contractions, so we needed him to change position. They flipped me on one side, then to another. Had me stand, sit straight up, and were JUST about to have me get on my hands and knees (which I was not looking forward to). 

At 9:30 AM, everything came to a screeching halt when Bree did (YET AGAIN) another check. She called another nurse in to confirm:  I had a second bag of water hiding behind baby. They broke that one and instead of it being "scant" like the first one, let's just say this one was more productive.

They had us call my parents, I got a booster epidural, and immediately, things were set in motion.

at 10:50 AM, I had gone from 4 cm to 8 cm.

At 11:30 AM, I was at 10 cm and my doctor was called. The room was prepped, my Mother in Law went behind the magic curtain, and Matt assumed his position beside me.

Bree started my pushes and my doctor arrived after push 2.

On push 5, at 12:25 PM, Rhys Christoper Osborne was born.

It sounds like a long, terrible night, but we were really very comfortable and no one was in distress. For 12 hours, it was really uneventful!  Had we known about my crazy second water to break, Rhys probably would have been born the night before. But in the end, we got a healthy baby and I was blessed to have a second easy labor.

I am so thankful for the nurses and doctors who helped us both that night. More stories to come...


Nana said…
Beautiful love story. Thanks for sharing with us. I love you and your growing family!
Desiree said…
TWO bags of water?! I've never heard of that! Wow! Isn't birth amazing? :-)

That was a sweet and calm birth story and in your other post you look absolutely amazing! Full-out glowing, my friend!

Again, congratulations!!!