if you really knew me

Time for a random post, handed to me by fellow bloggers who seem to be having the same post-holiday rut. See, I am having a hard time finding anything to write about lately. So, without further ado....

that I need to work on that quote pictured above. I worry. A LOT. 100% of the time, it is about other people's feelings and why/if they are mad. And it is not my choice how they handle things; it's theirs. So I need to stop. Especially knowing that little man inside needs positive thoughts!

that if given an extra $100 a month, I would get a housecleaner

that I am up to the final pregnancy weight I was with Larkyn...11 weeks earlier this time. Ugh.

that I love linguistics, word-meaning, grammar, and kind of obsess over the way people speak

that I wish Matt was in charge of dinners. I hate planning them, cooking them, and about 75% of the time, realizing "that was a one-time thing".

that the idea of sleeping with socks on is torture

you'd know that I desperately want to be good at photography. Not like a professional, but just pictures that aren't blurry, dark, or just make me so mad when I look at them off the camera screen!  When I look at Kelle and Erin's pictures, I pretty much turn green with envy at their skills (and their adorable kids)

that the only show (besides the news) I regularly watch is the The Bachelor/Bachelorette. Not proud, but I LOVE IT.

that although I only "schedule" one show, Matt and I watch a movie almost every single night.  Movie time starts at 8:00 and often ends with one or both of us asleep by 9:00! Need movie recs? At your service.

that I wished Matt would cook our dinners, but the truth is that I wish we could have carry out (specifically Olive Garden and City BBQ) every night without the extra calories or empty wallet

that walking into Larkyn's room in the morning or after nap time is my favorite moment of the day

that I think my close co-workers know me better than anyone. They know my food weaknesses, what will hurt my feelings, what will piss me off, and don't BS me. Maybe it's that whole professional setting ;)

that I have a love/hate relationship with my dogs. I know, I bought them. I chose them. But, man they are a pain most of the time.  But I do love them.

that I miss my family and wish we all lived closer

that I love putting outfits together...but give me a year on that one, because I am sure I am about to hate it during post-pregnancy

Chobani yogurt + granola = my favorite snack ever

my car is constantly a mess. Not "gross", but just ridiculous things in it. Like Larkyn's Halloween costume and marshmallow roasting sticks from our HH trip in June. And doorknobs.

that there is a plaque in the Otterbein University Library with my name on it for having the highest female GPA. Shouldn't that have erased my mountain of student debt?

that the above may imply that I didn't know how to have fun. The sisters of Theta Nu can vouch otherwise. As well as the staff of Adobe Gilas from 2001-2005.

that I will watch any movie with Ryan Gosling or Rachel McAdams. Their break up was devastating.

Well, hopefully that didn't bore you to tears and you learned something useful today. Now, time to set the DVr for tomorrow night!
