Christmas Love List

I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve!  It seems like I was just watching the morning shows, learning how to brine a turkey 5 different ways. And then I put it in the oven upside down anyway.

Well, 4 weeks later and the holiday season is almost over. There are so many things I love about it; even more things now that I am a mother.

The FOOD!  This topic is on my mind a lot. I look forward to seasonal menus, potlucks, parties, and things that only come around once a Chick Fil A's chocolate peppermint shake, cheesy potato casserole, trays of Christmas cookies, stuffing, pumpkin rolls, meat that has been roasting all day, cranberry drinks...
Recipe here. PS- 1 bag of white chocolate chips tastes much better than candy melts.
Along those lines, the annual Christmas treat I give to coworkers and friends. For the last two years, it has been this white chocolate popcorn. It is so easy that I usually make another batch for us to eat at home!  We substituted kettle corn for one batch and it was mind-blowing.

Shopping!  Not exactly the money-spending part, but making list upon list of everything I think my loved ones could use or wouldn't buy for themselves. And I definitely do get shopper's high as soon as I put them in the cart. Just being honest. I did a lot of online shopping, which I learned has downfalls as well. No hassle of going out with a toddler, but more than one of our items arrived damaged (like an entire smashed set of glasses). I cherish (strong word, I know) the personal day I take from work each year on the 17th to shop, wrap, and eat a glorious lunch by myself.

Columbus Zoo Wildlights. The only "event" we made it to this year, thanks to the weather!
A full calendar. This year was an exception because every weekend, the weather was awful!  But I love going to the Wildlights, meeting up with friends, meeting Santa, tree-lightings, Christmas parties, and would LOVE to do a cookie swap one year in the future.  

 Sending and receiving Christmas cards. Although because of "events out of my control" (ie: an unexplainable and unconcerned 20 day delay by the photographer), mine will be more like New Years cards, I still love addressing paper cards. I love stamping our return address, finding the perfect pen to use, and opening up the mail every day to see new cards. Call me crazy, but I especially like the letters people send to tell us their life updates. Much better than opening bills every day for the other 11 months of the year.

I miss those little hand dimples!
A home decorated for Christmas. I decorate the day before Thanksgiving just so that it is all ready to go on the official kick-off of the season!  A house just looks better with white lights and a big tree, doesn't it? I will miss it when I take it down soon:(

last year with his little Hendrix
Time with family. Although much of this time is spent in the kitchen, cleaning, or rounding up toddlers who have cabin fever, the time we get together goes too fast!  Seeing Larkyn watch a movie with Matt on the floor by the fire, bringing home a gingerbread house she made with my mom, and letting her "help" me in the kitchen are the things I try to remember (rather than spills, falls, dogs barking, food burning, etc)

Take a moment to soak it up. Too soon, it'll be over and January will be here!
