
Recovering from The UA Fall Fest at our nearby park. It was the perfect picture-taking weather for once!  Larkyn loved the corn, of course, as well as the band playing and the bouncy houses. Mama discovered fresh kettle corn and inhaled it. What have I been missing all these years?

Excited about finding out Baby O2's gender next Sunday at Ultrasona! Watch Instagram that day for the breaking news.

Annoyed with the dogs. What's new? People, don't ever get 2 dogs. It is never a good idea. Ever.

Planning Thanksgiving. I love Fall like everyone else in Blogland, but my season?  My time to morph into a nostalgic Martha Stewart? Thanksgiving through December 25th. On the 26th, it's all over. Anyway, the whole family is coming to our house this year and a dessert table is happening.

Locally loving Jax Treehouse. I need to write a full review sometime. Who doesn't love shopping locally? The small store is FULL of quality brands like Livie & Luca, Ugg, Tsukihoshi, Umi, and tons of others. I love that Joel, the owner, is able to look at Larkyn's feet and immediately tell me what will/will not work. No wasting time with him! The sweetest part of yesterday's visit was turning in my frequent buyer card for $50 off (a free pair of Tsukihoshis!) Oh, and also these...
Ragg slippers that princess is in LOVE with! They are so soft and comfy for chilly wood floors.

Next week, expect a full rundown on what life will be like with a sister or a mister!!


Nana said…
Love, love, love the new slippers! She was trying to walk around my house last week with my slippers on!