Updates on everyone!

My G.I. Jane after finger painting. She doesn't care what the paper looks like- it's all about the body paint.
I thought Larkyn was 30 months old this month until I called the pediatrician to make the 2.5 year visit and they said it wasn't until October. Oops.

New loves:  "Happy birthday cakes", which includes cupcakes or any cake in person, on TV or in print. She's all about the paint, too (as you can see). Also, the books Brown Bear Brown Bear and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. We are in the market for a new copy of each because apparently when she loves a book to a certain degree, she tears pages out.

New challenges:  When we get in the car, she crawls warp-speed to the front and into my seat, pretending to drive. It is a fun little game when your hands are full of diaper bags and groceries.

New skills:  We have gone a week without any potty accidents, and this morning, she actually told me she had to go potty!  This is huge in our house. Also, she sings "Twinkle Twinkle" the whole way through, which is the cutest thing I've ever heard in my life.

And now for an Update on Baby 2...

I wore all of my cute maternity clothes in one week, and had every opportunity to take a cute, prepared belly pic. Didn't happen. I'm the worst. I just forget! So, here you go. Sans makeup or cute maternity clothes. Guess I should be honest with the baby from the get-go.
  • 14.5 weeks in
  • I am positive I can feel movement, even though it is early. Feels like little fingers tapping.
  • This baby likes food, a lot. I am hungry all day every day. For big salty meals like chicken fried rice and for sweet desserts. And iced tea every chance I get. 
  • A friend, who clearly thinks I am more stable than I really am, gave me her "pocket fetal doppler". Sometimes I hear the heartbeat, sometimes I don't. Which is not awesome and leads to googling.
  • I read that the baby can do things like make a fist and urinate. And that makes sense, because I am up at least two times every night!
  • We are still tossing around the idea of finding out the gender before our appointment on 11/7. Since Matt took off two days for our anniversary trip and another for a wedding all in November, he probably won't be able to go. So, we can make an appointment on our own time in October at an outside ultrasound lab for families. Not sure yet.
That's all for us around here. Have a good weekend, everyone!
