Listmaking in the Fall

It's HERE! After a week of absurd temperatures in the 90s, it is Fall. And it better be here to stay. Because we have a lot to do...
Some of the things we have done before, like Hidden Creek. But everything else will be new for Larkyn and I can't wait! She is such a runner that I think she will love a corn maze. I'll take any hints on one that doesn't have a line of 1,000 people waiting. I take my kindergartners to Stratford Farm every Fall, and I have always wanted to do the Harvest Fest. They are a non-profit, working ecological center that provides education to the community.

Also, you see that we will find out the gender of Baby 2 in the near future (11/7). Around that time, Matt and I are taking off and Larkyn gets a weekend with Nana while we celebrate our first anniversary back at Wild Dove cabin. I am so excited for our first adult trip in over a year!

And I'm the worst--I really don't like carving pumpkins at all. I love how they look, just really am not a fan of the process. So, we will consult with Pinterest on painting cute pumpkins this year. The UA Fall Fest is within walking distance, so that one will definitely happen. All we need is for the weather to cooperate this year (last year's fall was the rainiest ever!)  And speaking of Boo at the zoo...

First train ride at the zoo. She was so excited, then they blew the whistle and she looked at me like the world was ending. In went the binky.

New BFFs, goats. Also, favorite hand-me-down shoes she wants to wear 24/7.

"Sooo soo sweet, momay", she was saying.

After this, she brushed her hair with it.

We had never tried the petting zoo or train ride, so it was a fun day. We went for "Touch a Truck", which she hated every minute of, so it was a good thing there were animals at the zoo to replace the "fun" (traumatic) trucks. Pony rides next time!

What will you do this fall? What am I missing?
