5 on Friday

Linking up here
What a beautiful Friday, everyone!  Columbus at 80 degrees and no humidity is amazing. What else is in my top five this week?

1. Our Living area makeover is finally finished (for now). Let's do a before and after, shall we?
right after we moved in, May 2010, the days of "Holy crap, we just bought a house, let's use what we have"

Ta da! I am in love with the curtains (Threshold by Target) and the paint change. If it wasn't such a pain, I'd paint all the rooms gray and use different accent colors in each. It is a fabulous neutral if you are thinking of a change!
2. Since I'm now home for lunch every day (nap time is sacred around here and has been moved to noon), I have to be creative with my lunches. I've been making this salad quite a bit. 
Spinach, dried cranberries, Fuji apple, turkey bacon, feta, poppy seed dressing

My cost-cutting secret is getting the cranberries and nuts in bulk for dollars less!

3. Carousels, oh carousels. How my daughter loves you. She shoos my hands away from holding her, ensuring her plummet from the giant wooden animal, gets an ear-to-ear grin on her face while go up and down, and then it all whizzes to a slow, painful end to our fun. It is always a 5 minute encapsulation of a manic toddler episode and is a good time for all.

4. Matt, for giving this healthy-heart diet a chance, getting running shoes, clothes, and kicking that cholesterol's butt!  Proud of you!

5. PlumPaperDesigns has provided me with the perfect planner.  This is the one I plan to order in August and I am so excited!
Find it here.
