Happy 4th!

Thank goodness for holidays or I'd have nothing to write about. Sometime soon, I will show you the final phase of our living/dining room makeover we completed this week. But today, it is just some holiday cheer to remind of what this day means (to me)...recognition of our veterans, gratefulness for our freedom, being with friends and family, and FUN!

Last year, Larkyn tolerated the parade by our house. It was about 100 degrees and she hated the noises. But this year, she was allll over the parade. It's a good thing we weren't in the front row or she would have been IN it.

Those became sunglasses #4 that she broke for me. Doesn't she look pleased with herself?

Last year, the Grand Marshal was Jeni. This year, it was Abby Johnston, our Olympian. I think she's looking at me, isn't she?
We love where we live! And apparently it is a "smart" choice too (could it be because this is home to all the professors of the largest university in America? Maybe?)  Larkyn and Declan don't care, they just like the pretty parade.

We came without a flag and this man gave her one because she narrated the whole parade to him ("See?  Dog.") Her favorite part was definitely the marching bands...
After the parade, Matt brought home bags and bags of cookout food and we had my parents over. Between the storms, he again demonstrated his impeccable burger skills, while I demonstrated how it is possible to mess up corn on the cob. I hope you were able to stop to enjoy this holiday with your loved ones and take a time out before summer is gone again!


Nana said…
OMG! She has Nana's rhythem!!!! So sorry, Larkyn! I was hoping you would take up knitting or sewing from Nana :)
Keith and Julie said…
Love that she loves the marching band... get it, girl!