What mom really wants

Ladies and gentlemen, you have 24 hours to do something nice for your mom. Now that I am a mom myself, I can tell you that it matters NOT how much money you spend. It matters that the day is set apart from others (even if it is celebrated from miles away). Make her day different...special. It doesn't require a dozen roses or an expensive brunch. It doesn't require an hours-long Pinterest project that makes you resent the day. Just a few simple acts and the gifts no woman will ever turn down (and no, the text alone does not suffice!)...

Mamas out there, what would make you happy on Mother's Day?  Hope it is a good one for everyone tomorrow!


Desiree said…
I wanted a day off - just to do nothing. It was almost going to happen, and then our basement flooded.

We'll try again next year.... :-)