23 months...one month shy of 2!!

I can't believe she is almost two!  Of course, if you ask her, she will say she is "12345!" while holding up her fingers.

To be honest, it has been a hellish month. I haven't written in a while because I haven't been inspired I guess. Larkyn has been sick over and over, the weather isn't getting warmer (which affects my kids at home and at school!)  Just one heck of a rut. But excitement is on the horizon...
I took a personal day this week to print and package them! Best 3 items you could ever set in front of me.
Yes, the planning has gone into full-swing and you know I'm in heaven planning every last light pink gingham detail. In the spirit of this post by one my favorite bloggers, I am proud to wave my freak flag when it comes to my kid's birthday party because I don't any other time.

So what is our almost-two-year-old up to?

New phrases: "Whatsthat?!" in response to new objects, faces, and especially sounds, "Show me" when she wants to show ME what she wants to eat (always cereal), "See Nana?" every other time she picks up my phone and wants to Facetime with my mom, "By Gabba" to watch Yo Gabba Gabba (the fascination has finally begun, my friend...)

Favorite activities: Well, nothing beats "play", which means going outside to play or driving to an indoor playground. "Play" at our house is simply not cutting it. Ipad games, jumping on the bed, coloring on all surfaces of the house with Crayola Color Wonder markers. And oh yes, Sharpies, which come out of brand new Hunter boots with rubbing alcohol, just FYI.

New challenges:  Up and down napping and bedtime issues from these colds she catches or if we are slightly off our routine. Oy!  Also, removing her from bathtub when she wants to "wim" (even when there is no water left, wimming is better than getting out and putting a diaper on).

Ways you make us laugh:  Rocking out to the "radio" on your tricycle, Wearing non-hat items on your head, getting so excited over the things you can spot from the car (airplanes, moon, buses).

Looking forward to:  Easter egg hunts, Uncle Eric & Aunt Shannon's wedding, A PJs and Donut party, and starting your first gymnastics class!

We are so proud of you and love you so much. Your energetic and inquisitive personality are starting to show and it is fun to see you develop your own interests (even if it means testing us daily!)


Keith and Julie said…
Cute Larkyn photo. I also have been uninspired this month. But looking forward to April... lots of fun ahead!