Happy 21 months!

Lucky #21. I suppose this is kind of a Golden birthday for her...her "real" one will be her 21st, so it'll be awhile. While we are on the topic, I have waited as long as humanly possible for my Golden birthday, ever since our first grade teacher explained it and I realized I had until THIS YEAR to reach it. Forget 30--31 is where it's at!

ANYWAY, this is about my little sparky and what she is up to these days. Check it out the new chair.
Spoiler alert: it's a potty!
New words: So many! We love to hear "bodaydo" (potato), "PLEATH!" (please), "ee ooh" (thank you/bless you), "blay" (play), "iPad" (yep).

Ways you make mama and daddy proud: Kicking a ball, identifying all the letters (except K- you don't like it!), being so friendly in the grocery store that it takes twice as long with all the strangers coming to talk to you

Ways you make us wish for a body double: We are ready to quarantine the kitchen, since every issue begins there. Oh, I got you water and you wanted milk?  Please, scream to let me know. You wanted Nerds for dinner because you see them on the shelf? Awesome.

Girl, you crazy: Making ambulance/police car noises when you see them on TV or in a book, picking up anything that looks like a phone and saying "Hehwo?", pulling the drawer out of the storage bed to climb up on it and jump!

Favorite activities: Blaying!! Outdoor and (now) indoor playgrounds make you so happy. You also love the iPad (with time limits now), fixing food in your kitchen, jumping on the bed, and sitting on your potty (fully clothed).

"Non-preferred" or s*it you hate: Judging from your performance at Story time (is it 3 strikes and you're out? Because we are out), I'd say you're not into the sitting in mama's lap to sing "Skidamarinky-dinkydink". Also not a fan of art yet. Basically, indoor activities are not looking good. Ideas??


Keith and Julie said…
Yay yay! For Golden birthdays! It's here now... we gotta go big or go home. J