What are you pinning?

I've been a lazy blogger. Something must be going around because most of the bloggers I follow are a little slow right now too, so I don't feel as bad!

What have I been doing instead? Pinning, of course. That really doesn't take as much thought, honestly. It has become a calming nightly ritual. Here are my top 10 of the week. What do you think? Sorry I didn't link to the pins, but it's time for the debate on TV. Follow me on Pinterest and you'll see links to all of these and 837 other things I adore.

Someone please show me how to French braid!

Am I alone here? I get all serious and hunkered down...

I cannot tell you how true this is, once they get to kindergarten.

Finally, someone gets it right. Down with raisins!

Another reason we need another...to recreate this photo.

Fall sangria. I'll post the recipe on here if I like it!

Obsessed with blazers.

Cinnamon Peach dessert repinned from Desiree. With a boxed coffee cake on top!

I promise guys, I'll make this soon. Hallween puppy chow.

Yeah right on the heels, but I have to find the other pieces!


Desiree said…
OMG, are you talking about a #2???

Because we are. Sort of. I'm not all the way on board, but we're talking. About another kid.

Kill me now. :-)

That pin about making your kid's lives easy seriously made me stop and think. Majorly.