
Feeling: I am exhausted. It was just one thing after another today, and I am mentally spent. All I wanted out of this day was a pumpkin spice latte:(
If your teacher is me, I will tell ya about apostrophe placement as well

Thinking about:  Trying colored denim! Walking on the wild side, I know. But pants are sooo boring, which is why I avoid them as long as I can. Maybe a pair or two of cobalt or red will be fun. Of course, I got this idea from Miss Audrey...

Anticipating: This baby sale next Saturday. This year, Larkyn's drawers are scarily empty compared to last year. Last year, we had a million hand me downs and I had bought throughout my entire pregnancy. This year, I know about the baby sale and can't wait to get some winter clothes and shoes for my growing girl!  If you haven't been to a baby consignment sale, GO!! I'll come with you.

Impressed by: Larkyn's sudden growing vocabulary. It is so fun to hear her gain about a word a week now, and paired with her new over-the-top fake/courtesy laugh, she is cracking me up.


Desiree said…
I DIED over your apostrophe placement comment! That was the first thing I saw in that picture!

And I just went to my first consignment sale and made out like a bandit! I got some awesome furniture and I got her Christmas dress for $5!