Thursday 13: Did you know?

1. That I haven't dried/straightened my hair in 3 weeks? At the beach, flat and sleek hair is not happening. Back in Ohio...I suppose I just like having 20 extra minutes to my day.

2. That Larkyn is rocking the baby "flip" in the back of her hair?  Matt calls it a mullet, but it's the same length all around...which isn't a mullet, right?

3. That 3 men referred to said gorgeous baby as a boy today? One asked "Do you want a regular cart or does he want one with a race car?", the other "How old is he?" and the last "Wow! He's really in to that wagon ride!" Pay attention men: never assume the gender because you will undoubtedly be wrong and piss me off.

4. That if, given the opportunity, I would eat the whole box of powdered mac & cheese by myself?

5. That I wish I didn't like the way Starbucks tastes? But I just love it and unfortunately have lived less than a mile away from a drive-thru Starbucks at my last two homes.
This is the only caffeine I drink. Tall skinny mocha with whip.

6. That if my parents moved down south, we would be right behind them?

7. That I wish I knew how to speak Spanish? I want to be the person who helps a stranger by translating or at least help my Spanish-speaking students when they don't understand. In that case, Japanese would be helpful too!

8. That I have recently had some close encounters with wild animals lately? While on the swingset the backs up the marsh of Middle Island, a fox ran up to us. He stopped. We had a stare-off, and he trotted away. Then yesterday, Julie was with us at the Kangaroo exhibit at the zoo. Supposedly, they stay on the grass behind a single rope and you stay on the sidewalk (because they can't jump or anything). All of a sudden, a zoo-worker came marching toward us, saying "Ladies, please move out of the way, please don't touch the animal!" The kangaroo, named Caroline, was on the sidewalk right behind us, ready to become part of our group.

9. That Matt and I have known each other since we were in second grade?

10. That I wish I could be a stay at home mom? I love my job and it is a great job for moms, but I don't want to miss a minute of my girl.

11. That the thought of putting $20 into a slot machine and losing it makes me want to throw up? Our first casino just opened in Columbus and I'm not sure I can handle it.

12. That I am so bad at math that its embarassing? For a good portion of this viral video, I had no idea what the problem was...

13. That we may have 6 beings living under one 926 sf roof, but I wouldn't have it any other way? I always think of this old school country song when I feel a little cramped. Great hair, everyone.


Audra said…
I LOVE the baby flip! I mean, yes, sometimes I think Emerson has a mullet, but calling it baby flip sounds way better! :)

We always dreamed of moving south (SC or NC). It could still happen, but somehow we keep choosing to buy property in Ohio. Womp womp.
Mom said…
How do you get 6 members of your family living in 926 sf???