Mama Monday: Bye bye, summer

Well, tomorrow I go back to school and Larkyn goes back to Miss C. This time last year, I cried every time anyone mentioned it. Not that I will miss her less this year, but I guess I have just accepted it.

We had a fantastic summer together, attempting to do something 6 days a week.

Our lunches out progressively improved, now that I enlist whomever we are meeting to help instead of watching us unravel, and now that I take her for a walk around the restaurant while waiting for the food.

I learned what she loves as a toddler: bouncing, dancing, ice cream, "GOOO"ing, entertaining strangers, the beach, golf carts/cars/all vehicles, and swinging. I learned what she doesn't love: shopping in stores I like, diaper changes that last longer than 30 seconds, meat, swimming where she can't touch the bottom (pretty much everywhere)

So, we had this End of Summer list I wanted to complete to squeeze every drop out of summer in the last week. We got everything done except for swimming one more time...our local pool is $10 and we just ran out of time. If you see above, you'll know that Larkyn probably didn't mind.

Trying crayons! Though this purchase was the tipping point for my spending freeze, Larkyn enjoyed them. Really, she just liked organizing them in the box, but was excited to see the marks she could make with them.
Meeting Nana for lunch at her work. Luckily, Children's Hospital also has a great ice cream shop too!
We had never visited the sprawling wooden castle playground at our neighborhood elementary school. Pretty daunting!
This one was just for Mama & Daddy...more to come on our NASCAR experience tomorrow
So, its back to work tomorrow. I am about to treasure my weekends a lot more and look forward to what this school year has to offer!


Keith and Julie said…
Yay! So glad your "list" is complete, but if you still want to go out for "fall" ice cream, I'm available.