Thursday 13: Why I love summer

OK, time to try something new! I am linking up at Aunie Sauce and you know I love a list. Link up and give it a shot once a week to clear your mind and tell us a little more about yourself.

I have 9 school days left til summer is here! I do love my kiddos, but I know they love summer just as much as I do!

1. Being with Larkyn every day! I can't wait to see what she has to show me in the next few months.
We love our new water table!
2. No alarm clocks. 

3. Going places on a weekday during the day. No more crowds and lines when I want to go grocery shopping, to the bookstore, library, or zoo (well, there are always crowds at the zoo).

4. Trying new restaurants. It's time to knock out a few more breakfast joints on my list, and now I have 7 days instead of 2 to try them. 

I'll use this fabulous birthday gift from Julie as my guide!

5. Going to the best place on earth. Larkyn is the same age I was when I started going...
This year she will actually be able to walk in the sand herself

6. SYTYCD!!!

7. Organizing the house. On the list: bedroom storage and basement de-cluttering (which was supposed to happen pre-baby. Ha!)

8. Reading a book a week. I miss books so much! These are up next...

9. Playdates with friends and their kids. I promise we won't bring a contagious disease this time.

10.  Wearing summer clothes without a dress code. Hooray for skirts, no socks, and flip flops!

11. Going to see another race with Matt. This is not officially on the books, but I am so hoping it will happen this summer. 
At the last race, it was so cold that it snowed! We hope to avoid that in July.

12. Trying some new recipes in the kitchen. When is there time during the school year? Pinterest board of delicious items I haven't made, here I come!

13. Having the stress level go down about 160 notches without the worry of TIME. Oh summer, how I've missed you.

Aunie Sauce
