Birthday Thursday: Happy 11 months!

Oh dear, this is the last time I will get to say "months". Next month it'll be "Happy one year". Which is something to celebrate, but a little hard to swallow. Where has time gone? This week, Larkyn enjoyed a rite of passage in my world... frozen yogurt from Orange Leaf! Kate joined us (and then helped paint the bathroom. What a good sport!) and took a few pictures to document the moment.

It turned out pretty similar to our first time in the pool, so that sad little sample cup of vanilla was not sufficient. I had to get Kiwi and then try to scrape peanut butter-free parts of my giant mess for her. Yeah, she liked it. a lot.

Man, we are missing those upper teeth. I don't think she minds it, but I am getting bored of feeding her the same old cheese, crackers, cereal bars and oatmeal. I love when she can eat what we are eating, but we don't often eat things that don't require much chewing.

She came to school today to see me before my conference night. She was happy to see the kids (she LOVES watching big girls) and they were cooing over her "pudgy hands".

I missed her going to bed tonight, which was a first. Ugh. But I get to spend spring break with her, starting on Saturday. I have a list of things I want to do with her...Jax's first birthday party on Saturday...zoo with daddy on Sunday...story time at the library on Monday...Play date with Jill & Alyson and kids on Tuesday...Thursday is MAMA's day out for hair and maybe a pedicure. And hopefully many walks in this unseasonably gorgeous weather we are having. It is hard to stay inside!

Nana was in charge of pictures tonight. She got her in the chair, got the sticker sticker on the shirt...good job, Nana!

I wonder what she said that was so funny?

Reaching for Dolly

Hello, my St. Patty's Day princess!
