Style Saturday: Fancifying my photos

Due to my obsession with Kelle Hampton's blog and her helpful hints about uploading great-looking pictures, I have been working on some pretty cool photos to share. I guess the reason why I am so excited is because Kelle's suggestion of using Picasa now means I don't have to buy, install, and figure out Photoshop! This was going to be my task over the next few months. Instead, I began using the google-integrated Picasa, which really simplified everything. SO, now I can upload those dazzling photo collages and maybe even learn how to do a weekly phone dump. Hmmm. Give it a try!


Schneider 4.0 said…
What's phone dump? I don't get it!?!?!?!
Stacie said…
You'll see my first one on Wednesday. It's just a way to share those pics from your phone each week or so. Clear the phone, add the pics with or without words. Not so much a narrative post but just a "here's what we did this week". A lot of blogs do "Friday phone dump" or Instagram Friday.