Random Wednesday: Blogging runs in the family

Matt is the English major. I have always kept diaries, journals, and used written expression in one form or another throughout life. We both love to write, and now I'm just so proud of him that I could burst!

In addition to his blog, Hurricane Storm, he has now started writing for Bleacher Report. Check him out. Can you believe it...I get 1,000 reads per month. He got over 1,000 reads on ONE post in less than a week. And he is writing about what he loves: the Miami Hurricanes!  The next step is for it to become a paying job, which will be fantastic. Imagine that...getting paid to do what you love?  He would be a lucky man.

This post is dedicated to you, my other half! I believe in you and your insane knowledge of sports history and statistics.
If I had to go find my camera and fiddle with it, this shot would have been gone. Love you, Instagram!
