Birthday Thursday: Happy 5 months!

OK, I hated taking these pictures with the flash on. Even with all the editing, they don't look half as good as the usual ones I take when I have daylight. Is that a valid reason to be a stay at home mom-- better lighting?

Anyway, Larkyn is 5 months old today! When I got my monthly email from the baby websites, I was happy to see that I could check off the little boxes for her expected milestones. Besides growing like crazy (like at those rolls!), she is enjoying screeching like a rainforest monkey when happy/bored and bouncing when she stands. She will stand and jump until your arms ache, but it is hard to turn down her grin that begs you for more! We have a doorway bouncy thing on order now, actually. She has also developed a favorite sleeping position: on her belly with her face up against the bumper! I moved her over and over and came to accept that she would find a way to sleep in a terrifying position no matter what, Here's the little monkey now...
