TV Tuesday: So you think you can dance?

The answer to that question, as any Theta Nu sister will tell you, is NO. But, I have been a loyal fan of the show since season 2. This year promises to be the best since the Katie/Joshua/Twitch season, which was legendary. If you aren't a watcher, start now! The season just started and they have only had one "cast-off" show. In the first night of competition, everyone was so good that they didn't cut anyone (or that may have been a clever, suspenseful cop-out). Either way, here is my favorite dance (and couple) of the season. There is always a story to go with the choreography, and this story is that the man is expected home from Afghanistan and his wife doesn't know how she is going to react. Maybe it will convince you to tune in Wednesdays on Fox....

And, just for fun, check out this video of one of my favorite dances of all time (I can't embed it, it must be too awesome). Keep in mind, Alex is a BALLET dancer and had one week to learn this dance.


Schneider 4.0 said…
Um, I'm totally envisioning you doing the alex and twitch dance on your couch.