Card explanation

I just made a Fathers Day card on shutterfly (you can see it below in a separate post) and wanted to tell you about their FREE offer that expires tomorrow, 6/8. The offer is for 5 free cards that should *hopefully* arrive in time for Fathers Day. 11 days should allow enough time. Anyway, shutterfly is always easy to use, and I just dragged and dropped several of my favorites. We needed all 5 to have enough for dads and grandpas and Matt. There are a ton of cut(er) designs but I wanted to use a ton of pics and wanted it to have a message that didn't say "Dad". My total was $6.38 when you add tax and s/h. I think my mom's card at Target was about $5 when it was all said and done, and now I have 5. Hope this is useful to someone out there!


Sandy said…
Stacie, what lucky Dads they are to get such a sweet card! Great job!!