Birthday Thursday: Happy 9 weeks!

Before I show you today's pictures, I am feeling the need to compartmentalize. I am a firm believer (with the exception of clothes, which I leave all over the place) that everything has a place. I like to know what to expect and where to expect to find it. So, I am going to try something new with this blog, and it will hopefully inspire me to dig a little deeper in my thoughts. Though my life completely revolves around my baby and I love it that way, there is more to life (and this blog) than the little one. Here is my starting point:
  • Birthday Thursdays: This day will be devoted to news about Larkyn and her weekly pictures
  • Foodie Fridays: A recipe of the day!  I will only publish recipes I have made, eaten, and loved! PS, most of the recipes will come from friends and family:o)
  • Style Saturdays/Sundays: A round-up of my favorite clothing, home dec ideas, etc.
  • Mama Mondays: My take on motherhood, its challenges, and tricks I have learned
  • TV Tuesdays: I love TV! And I like to talk about the interesting, silly, and addictive things I watch
  • Random Wednesdays: Just like it says. Could be soup of the day!
Disclaimer: This does NOT mean I will be publishing every day. But when I am able to blog and have an idea, I will follow the schedule. Here's to trying new things!

So, this week has brought us our first trip to Easton (and the Nordstrom shoe department!) She loved it just as much as I did, I think. She is taking a more defined nap in her crib, and has moved up to 5 oz. feedings. This made me sad because I had to pack up all her "little" bottles that only hold 4 oz. But on the flip side, she sleeps about an hour more at night now that she has a bigger bottle! We also met and hired our sitter, Ms. Carol. Her house is on my way to work, the price is right, and she has lots of experience. Larkyn will be the only girl, though, which makes me wonder if she will learn to socialize in a "rough" way or if she will be a pushover (like me). I hate to say that it worries me a little. We will see how it goes. OK, here is the week 9 pic, fresh out of the camera!
Another new thing: photos have been moved to the floor for better lighting! Wish I had done this a long time ago. I wish I had a dress to match this one!

Happy girl after her bottle this morning


Desiree said…
You're going to be my inspiration because I love this idea so much! Don't worry, I won't blatantly copy you! :-)

I really wanted to take weekly pictures of Sofia but I'm so disorganized about it! And now, I don't even know if it's worth it to try and take weekly pictures since she'll be 10 weeks (!) on Monday! I just hope she's not mad at me when she's older and she doesn't have the slick picture book from Shutterfly with all her 52 weeks - I'm already falling down on the mommy job. :-( That was one thing I really wanted to do. Oh well.

But I really love this idea and I'm totally looking forward to your posts!