They say its just a reflex...

So, it is 12:28 and I just finished a feeding. Which is fine because Larkyn sucks down bottles like a champ. No messing around, no falling asleep at the "table" we are done pretty quickly. Everything was going as planned, nothing out of the ordinary, until she grabbed my finger. Of course, we have put our fingers in her hand to grab and of course I have read and heard that infants will close their hands around your finger as a reflex. But for some reason, this stunned me that she grabbed it as she was taking her bottle and squeezed for the next ten minutes as she gazed at me with her precious eyes. I promptly burst into tears and professed my love for her. I know, dramatic and very unlike me. But seriously....reflex, shmeflex!

This was definitely one of "those moments" they tell you about, when you cry so easily after becoming a mom. Once was in the hospital on our first night alone. We are not going to touch on the other 2, during the first bath and the failed nursing attempts, because those were extremely justified by my stress level!

Have you ever heard this quote before? "Making the decision to have a child is momentous.  It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."  ~Elizabeth Stone. Well said, Ms. Stone!
