One month already!

My baby is a month old! When do they stop being "newborns" and become "infants"? I want her to stay a newborn!  So, what's new with us?  The last post was entitled "reflex..." and this one should be "Reflux" because that's what we have in our house. It came on pretty suddenly on Monday, which the doctor said is typical. It is not a dramatic case by any means, but poor baby is very uncomfortable right after and sometimes during her bottles. And. the. screaming. Holy crap. Well, after taking some really good tips from the nurse and prescription for Zantac (which we will start tonight), we are in better shape.

At the doctor today for her one month appointment, she weighed 9.1 and her head was 14.5 inches. She measured the same in length as when she was born (20.75) but the nurse said one of the measurements was probably off a bit because it is so hard to measure length. Either way, all 3 measurements put her in the 25th percentile.  I'm glad she is growing and thriving:o)

She went to school today and loved it!  We stopped in my classroom for the last few minutes of the day and she had on her big googly eyes to stare at everyone. The kids were bouncing off the freaking walls and Larkyn was fascinated by all of the chaos. Then, she got to be passed around and loved on during our art teacher's wedding shower. A couple people even said she looks like me!  The jury is still out on that.  Anyway, here are her one month pics. I realize it is not 5/21 and it seems like if she was born on 4/21 that she'd be one month on 5/21. But I had to make a choice...document the weeks every Thursday and months on the 21st or keep them all on Thursdays. That made more sense.
One month! Debuting her monthly sticker from Purple Possum

My little sunshine

This is what happens when I walk away to make a bottle. She just sat there like this. It's her stylish Levar Burton look.


Desiree said…
That last pic is my favorite!

Sofia is a spit-up machine! I can feed her upright, hold her upright for 45 minutes after she's done eating and two seconds after I lay her down, she spits up! Not a big deal but the laundry is killing me! I think we went through four onesies in less than an hour - finally, I gave up and left her in her diaper. :-)