Welcome back!

For the last 9 (10?) months, I have set this blog to the side while I worked on my blog for baby Larkyn. Now that she is here, I am not shutting down operations or anything, but wanted to move to one blog. I promise there will be more to it than just baby stuff:o) But first, let's take a photo break:
Notice how she crosses her legs? I love it!

So what have we been up to?  We came home from the hospital (aka: Heaven) a week ago, and it has been a "learning experience" ever since. Here is what we have learned in 7 days...
  • You can go from "Hmm, how do I change a diaper again?" to a NASCAR pit crew operation on diapers when your child despises being changed.
  • Breakfast is not good when made at 9, then left for me to let the dogs out, then fix an emergency bottle, take a phone call while feeding the bottle, letting the animals in, and then discovering the cat eating it at 11:00, when you finally realize you never ate it.
  • Bottle+ bouncy seat = spit up
  • As soon as the lights go out for mama and daddy's bed time, baby's eyes fly open. 
  • Nursing...after many tears and guilt...will not be happening for us. And that is OK.
  • Who invented onesies for newborns!?  Have they ever put anything OVER a newborn's head?  We are laying those to the side in favor of things that zip or snap up the front until further notice. Except if they are too cute, then we will give them a try for fashion's sake:o)
  • The carseat dictates what kind of car you will have. For instance, when Matt and my dad literally cannot fit behind the steering wheel anymore, the carseat says "You need a new car". Another post will follow up on this topic...
Every day is an adventure and every day I love her more. I love Matt for being patient with her and for cuddling with her as soon as he gets home. And, for petes sake, burning 2 weeks of vacation to prepare and welcome his daughter home. He went from (technically) a bachelor to feeding, washing pink hooded towels, and rocking his baby to sleep at 2 AM overnight. He deserves a few golf breaks, as much as people might scoff at that...he deserves it. 

I mentioned in Larkyn's blog that I was missing being pregnant. Yes, those first several days home, I was a little down about that. Which is to be expected, I guess?  I had the world's easiest pregnancy and just missed the excitement surrounding it, the anticipation, thinking of myself as "2" rather than just me. I still shield my belly from hot water (weird, I know) when I get in the shower and am just starting to sleep on my stomach again....but I am getting better. I am obsessed with Larkyn (can you tell) and am glad she is here. But, if I am being honest, I can see how many women can get depressed right afterward. Luckily, my therapy is recording everything. Every moment in pictures, written on blogs, stashed in memory boxes, and that helps me.  It is helping me to capture what is behind me now (as good as it was) and move on to being a parent!
