Please excuse the lack of posting

I have been busy posting on Baby O's website (see the Baby Talk link at the top) and have neglected to post here. I guess there is not a lot going on that isn't baby-related right now. But, as I am sitting here on this lovely first snow day of the school year, my brain is starting to fire away....

A few of the things that have made life easier lately:

1. A new recipe from a co-worker that I am eating again (the leftovers are just as good!):
  1. Boil one pound of fresh chicken breast (diced) on the stovetop with a seasoning packet from Chicken flavored Ramen Noodles. Boil until the chicken is no longer pink. Don't dump out the water yet.
  2. Put a package of mixed vegetables in the microwave for 6 minutes (we used carrots, broccoli, cauliflower)
  3. While veggies are warming, break up 2 packages of Ramen noodles and put in the pot with the cooked chicken to boil together. Add the second seasoning pack that is left. 
  4. Boil until noodles are done.  So good!
2. My neighbor has come over TWICE in 24 hours to snowblow our driveway. If you knew how cold it is here, you would understand why that is a big deal. I've got to make him cookies to thank him!

3. Lowe's color-matched my ultra-expensive Benjamin Moore paint so that I only paid a fraction of what a full gallon would cost ($22.99 instead of $49.99). I know, BM is supposed to be the best quality, but we are looking to save a few bucks where we can.

4. The perfect addition to a baby shower gift arrived today. I ordered these for my sister-outlaw (none of us are married, so this is the easiest term:o) Of course, Baby O. needed a set too, so I got her these. And, yes, my mom is already on the job of knitting a pair of legwarmers. I liked these stickers because my other options were: buying Photoshop to take pictures like my blog-friends over at or buying a set of monthly not-as-cute-as-I-hoped onesies from Gymboree for mucho bucks. And, seriously, the owls? These had to be mine.

5. Yes, I enjoy the freedom that snow days bring (and the ample amounts of my addiction--morning talk shows), but really, I am excited to have an extra day to work on the nursery. My weekends are starting to fill up, and I'd love to slap some paint on the wall today!  So, thanks, Mother Nature!

What is making your life easier these days?


Schneider 4.0 said… the owl and the leg warmers from that picture of the baby...but if you paint your baby's toenails as seen is said picture...we may have words! ha!