Our new addition

Well, it's official...we may have to start charging admission around here. On Monday, Matt and his dad & brother went golfing at Eagle Creek (a few hours away). Before they loaded up the golf cart, one of them noticed this little guy curled up behind the tire. On his way home, he texted me, "I'm bringing you a present". I thought maybe it was one of the famous popcorn balls he talks about from that area, or something silly. When he walked in with a living creature, I was pretty surprised!  His name is Eagle (Matt's golf dream:o), and he is a great little kitty. We are calling Eagle a "he", and did our best google image search to determine if it is a "he"...it is really hard to tell with cats!!  Anyway, Sebastian is obsessed with him and refuses to leave him alone, but we are sure Eagle will start defending himself soon and Seb will get the hint. We are guessing he is about 10 weeks old, but really we have no idea. I wish cats had rings like trees do!
