Big news!

OK, I don't feel 100% sure about "shouting it from the rooftops" and all that, but it looks like I am a homeowner! After touring many houses and condos in Columbus, I am pretty close to a done deal. This was the house I had on my online list but never went to see because it was out of the price range. But then, lo and behold, a few weeks ago, the price dropped! So, the whole crew went out to see it and I ended up making an offer that night (another group of people was waiting to get in after us!)

It is an adorable (read: tiny) ranch in Upper Arlington. I love the floors... original 1945 dark wood, black & white checkers in the kitchen , and new tile in the bathroom. This week, I had the inspections. Lots of fun items to discuss with an old home, but nothing I can't handle. Oh, except for the termites. There is no structural damage, but there are definitely live termites that will need to be dealt with. I know way too much about termites now--have you ever seen one? Ugh. So, as long as the seller takes care of that and my financing holds for another 3 weeks, I will close on May 7th.

I am excited to live in a great community, close to downtown, a pretty drive along Riverside every day, and with a huge backyard for the maniacs:o) 
